sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012


Tony Curtis & Marilyn Monroe on the set of ‘Some Like it Hot’, 1959.
Marilyn Monroe on the set of “The seven year itch” as the Girl who didn’t care.

Joseph Jasgur

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Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot, Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, flask, ukelele, fuzzy end of the lollipop

Marilyn on the set of the Misfits in 1960

Marilyn's first modeling job only paid five dollars.


At the Golden Globe Awards in 1962

By Sam Shaw

diamonds are a girls bestfriend.....

Ebbets Field 1957

Eyerman 1948...

Eyerman 1948...

In front of a billboard with her billing for As Young as You Feel

Misfits Bathing Suit


Niagara, Red

Ray Anthony, collie, Marilyn Monroe, Niagara dress

River of no return

Sam Shaw photo of Marilyn behind the wheel of a Jeep 1957

Some like it hot

With Clark Gable while filming The Misfits